There are list of Medical Devices in the rules. And we also have Notified Medical Devices. So, what is the significance of Notified Devices? Will the Registration covers only Nitified Devices or it covers all types of Medical Devices?
MDRTA Latest Questions
How to include change in model name of device in existing import license?
What are the recommended real time and accelerated stability conditions?
For loan license device master file would be Submitted by actual manufacturers or by the person who is taking loan license?
Can anyone please explain what is meant by a loan license?
Can you explain thermometer comes under which class of medical device?
Whether any product, intended for use in determining the presence of host cell protein contamination, in products manufactured by expression in the CHO cell line and other technology for Research and manufacturing use only and is not intended for diagnostic ...
Which division of CDSCO is responsible for review of IVD kits/reagents?
Name and address of the Regulatory Authority that governs the regulations of Import of IVD kits/reagents in India?