what is the classification as per heart-lung machine?
MDRTA Latest Questions
Customized medical device packaging matenals. falls under which classification
There are list of Medical Devices in the rules. And we also have Notified Medical Devices. So, what is the significance of Notified Devices? Will the Registration covers only Nitified Devices or it covers all types of Medical Devices?
Dear Experts, Can someone please tell which certificate will be required for medical devices wholesale permit?
Is shelf life applicable to stainless steel and titanium medical device?
Hello, my base licence is being retention in June 2024, in that case, shall I have to reapply for FSC or it is not required to reapply?
How to include change in model name of device in existing import license?
What are the recommended real time and accelerated stability conditions?
Fellow community members may please help on the above query.